Berghütten GmbH Theodor-Heuss-Ring 38-42 D-63128 Dietzenbach Phone: +49 (60 74) 8 55 - 0

Our partner in France, Belgium and Luxembourg: S.A.S.

If you are looking for a national partner who can supply you with our products in France, Belgium or Luxembourg, and provide you with advice on this, S.A.S. is the company to contact.

S.A.S. distributes high-temperature elements made from either silicon carbide (SiC) under the Starbar brand or from molybdenum disilicide (MoSi2) under the Moly-D brand.

S.A.S. – the company

S.A.S. was founded in 1934 and produces fireproof materials for foundries. As requirements regarding melting times, temperatures, downtime and running costs started to become more and more demanding, S.A.S. developed new products such as low and ultra-low cement, and self-flowing and pumpable castables.

S.A.S. teaches its customers how to use its products and also supports them by providing service personnel to maintain its furnaces. This ensures that specific customer needs are met quickly and efficiently by S.A.S specialists.

S.A.S. has been ISO 9002 certified since 1995.

S.A.S. epitomises service, continuity, availability and reliability.

Contact details

Fours et réfractaires
Mr Hervé Quillet
92 à 96, rue Paul Lescop
92000 Nanterre, France
Phone: +33 0147211317
Fax: +33 0147245492

Lecking Werbeagentur | Beraten, Gestalten, Herstellen
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