Berghütten GmbH Theodor-Heuss-Ring 38-42 D-63128 Dietzenbach Phone: +49 (60 74) 8 55 - 0

Our partner in Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania:
Inpiro Industrial Heating Technology

If you are looking for a national partner who can supply you with our products in Hungary, Bulgaria or Romania, and provide you with advice on this, Inpiro Industrial Heating Technology is the company to contact.

Inpiro distributes all sorts of heating elements for Berghütten in the aforementioned countries, such as heating coils and heating plugs, and high-temperature elements made from either silicon carbide (SiC) under the Starbar brand or from molybdenum disilicide (MoSi2) under the Moly-D brand.

Inpiro Industrial Heating Technology – the company

Inpiro Industrial Heating Technology is based in Budapest and has a wide range of products, systems and services for solving thermal problems. The company’s employees design and manufacture surface treatment systems for industrial use. These include electrically heated furnaces, drying cabinets, drying tunnels, systems for drying paint and plastics, and equipment for treating shrink film. In the area of research and development, many of the company’s successful technical solutions have been patented. There is a special focus on the development of reasonably priced and energy-efficient systems here.

In 2002, Inpiro developed its own quality policy and a quality management system that complied with ISO 9001-2001. Inpiro aims to ensure that the products and services it supplies are always of high quality and places great value on customer proximity.

Contact details

Mr János Wallis
Révész utca 9
1138 Budapest
Phone: +36 1 320-2238
Fax: +36 1 320-2109

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