Berghütten GmbH Theodor-Heuss-Ring 38-42 D-63128 Dietzenbach Phone: +49 (60 74) 8 55 - 0

Silicon Carbide Heating Elements

STARBAR-Heating Elements are produced from recrystallised silicon carbide. The high density of 2,4 g/cm3 assures a maximum of durability and a high strength. The nominal element-resistance is measured at a temperatur of 1071 °C. The possible element-power depends upon the furnace-temperature and furnace-atmosphere. The aluminium metallized cold-ends assure a proper electrical contact for the current entry.

Typ: DB

Element with enlarged thickened cold-ends. The element consists of a high-resistance hotzone and two sintered cold-ends, which have, because of its bigger cross-section, a essential lower resistance-value as the hotzone.

Typ: SE

Is build out of a tube with a spiral cutted in. This spiraled area represents the hotzone of the element, which has instead of the cold ends a very high resistance. Elements with separated hotzones are possible.

Typ: RR

Element with a constant diameter along the whole length. The element is build of a hotzone in the middle and two cold ends, which are metallized with aluminium, to reduce the resistance and the temperature in the cold-ends.

Typ: SER

Because of the bifilar spiral-builded hotzone the both cold-ends are located at one side of the element. So this form of element is specially suitable for furnaces which are difficult to access. SER-elements will be delivered with flexible terminal-clamps.

Typ: U und W

Is build out of two parallel fixed heating elements which are connected through a low resistance bridge circuit of SIC. Each heating element is partitioned into a hotzone and a zone of cold ends. The U-element is used for a 1-phase-element and the W-element for a 3-phase-element.

Typ: TSR

Is a thinwalled model of the bifilar spiral-element for the application of a muffle type furnace. Because the annealing-good is fully surrounded from the heating element, it is specially suitable for the application of thermical analyses, calibration of thermocouple, etc. The two electrical terminals are located at one side.

mountings and mating components

  • screwed terminal clamps
  • mounting parts for terminal-straps, form M and W
    (M = for manual mounting, W = for mounting with tools
  • terminals made of flexible aluminium-strand
    Typ A: from heating element to voltage supply source
    Typ B: for serial connection
    Typ C: for strap-extension


typ diameter
mm ca.
total length
mm ca.
working temperatur °C
air/ inert gas reduc. atmosphere
DB 8-54 60-1500 160-2500 1540 1370
RR 9,5-70 120-~4000 300-4650 1700 1370
SE 12-70 120-1550 300-2360 1650 1370
SER 12-70 100-1020 230-1550 1650 1370
TSR 45-75 150-300 350-600 1650 1370
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