Berghütten GmbH Theodor-Heuss-Ring 38-42 D-63128 Dietzenbach Phone: +49 (60 74) 8 55 - 0

Request ceramic tubes quickly

If you need a quote for assembled ceramic tubes, then use our Ceramic Tube Configure Tool. With it you can quickly and easily send us an enquiry for ceramic tube cuts that you need for your project or for the repair of a furnace. Simply enter the information needed in the relevant fields of the Ceramic Tube Configure Tool. You’ll find information buttons with clear explanations next to the input fields. You can also make multiple requests: Simply click “yes”.

With our new Ceramic Tube Configure Tool, Berghütten aims to provide its customers with a means of reducing the time required for standardised enquires.

Click here to go the Ceramic Tube Configure Tool.



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