Berghütten GmbH Theodor-Heuss-Ring 38-42 D-63128 Dietzenbach Phone: +49 (60 74) 8 55 - 0

heating elements for furnaces (ready for installation)

  • made of round wire or ribbon
  • terminals with or without thread
  • according your drawing or sample assembled with ceramics
    • tubes
    • muffles
    • groove-tubes
    • groove-panels
  • heating elements in different performances
  • special designed


NiCr – heating-alloys

NiCr 80/20 1230 °C element-temperature
NiCr 70/30 1250 °C element-temperature
NiCr 60/15 1125 °C element-temperature
NiCr 30/20 1100 °C element-temperature

CrFeAl – element-temperature

CrFeAl Y 1300 °C element-temperature
CrFeAl HT 1400 °C element-temperature
CrFeAl 145 1375 °C element-temperature
CrFeAl 139 1330 °C element-temperature
CrFeAl 135 1280 °C element-temperature

Do you have a heating problem? Ask us.
Our experienced engineers will give you advise.

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  • Do you need advice?
    We are happy to answer your questions. Please give us an email address where we can contact you.

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