Berghütten GmbH Theodor-Heuss-Ring 38-42 D-63128 Dietzenbach Phone: +49 (60 74) 8 55 - 0

Molybdenum Disilicide Heating Elements

consisting of Molybdän-Disilizid (MoSi2) with ceramic additives.
There are two qualities available:

MD 31: for max. element temperatur up to 1700 °C
MD 33: for max. element temperatur up to 1800 °C

Moly-D has the ability to withstand oxidation at high temperatures by forming a protective layer of quartz (SiO2) on its surface.

MOLY-D-Elements has a low specific electrical resistivity with a positive resistance-temperature characteristic. That means, if the temperature is increasing the resistance of Moly-D-Elements will increasing too. So, at a constantly voltage, Moly-D has a high element-power at a low temperatur which reduces the warm-up time of the furnace up to the operating-temperature and gives so an economical advantage

Because of its high temperature oxidation resistance, MOLY-D electrical resistance remains constant at constant temperature over its lifetime. This permits the use of old and new elements together in the same furnace, even if series-connected.

Typical application range for MOLY-D-Elements are:

  • steel industry
  • metal working industry
  • glass industry
  • ceramic industry, as well as laboratory furnaces

delivery forms:

2-shank bent elements are available in the following standard sizes:

typ terminal-diameter Lu heating-zone-diameter Le
3/6 6 mm 3 mm
4/9 9 mm 4 mm
6/12 12 mm 6 mm
9/18 18 mm 9 mm
12/24 24 mm 12 mm

Elements with cranked heating-zone or terminals are also available.

Spacing between shanks:

typ 3/6: a = 20 / 25 / 40 mm
typ 4/9: a = 20 / 25 / 40 mm
typ 6/12: a = 40 / 45 /50 / 60 mm
typ 9/18: a = 50 / 60 mm
typ 12/24: a = 60 / 80 mm

(other sizes and 4-shank elements available on request)

Max. length of heating-zone depends on element temperature
which is for

3/6 elements: 610 mm
6/12 elements: 1250 mm

MOLY-D-Elements are defined by:

  1. Material quality
  2. Diameter heating-zone in mm
  3. Diameter terminal in mm
  4. Terminal-length in mm (Lu)
  5. Heating-zone length in mm (Le)
  6. Spacing between shanks in mm (a)

example: MD-31, 6/12 mm, Lu = 400 mm, Le = 500 mm, a = 50 mm

Our Delivery programme also includes compatible metallic and ceramic brackets, connecting bands and furnace ducts.

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