Berghütten GmbH Theodor-Heuss-Ring 38-42 D-63128 Dietzenbach Phone: +49 (60 74) 8 55 - 0

The New Berghütten Website

With a modern appearance and considerably more content, we want to provide even better information for our customers and for visitors to our website. Unlike in the past, we will be paying greater attention to the currentness and information content of our new website in the future. Not all products and services available at Berghütten are listed as yet but we are working on implementing this soon. A site in English will also be available again shortly.

The following attributes have served as guidelines for us in the remodelling: visually appealing, clear, personal and practically relevant. Our longstanding partner, Lecking advertising agency, is responsible for the realisation and programming of the new Berghütten website.

If you have any questions or comments, we look forward to receiving your feedback. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Lecking Werbeagentur | Beraten, Gestalten, Herstellen
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