Berghütten GmbH Theodor-Heuss-Ring 38-42 D-63128 Dietzenbach Phone: +49 (60 74) 8 55 - 0

Five successful days for Berghütten

On Saturday, June 29, the international trade fair quartet GIFA, METEC, THERMPROCESS and NEWCAST closed its doors after five days of fruitful trading and networking at a successful event. The share of international guests among the 70,000 visitors has never been so high. 70 per cent of over 2,300 exhibitors and 66 per cent of the visitors came from abroad (2015: 65 per cent / 62 per cent). The large number of visitors clearly proves the fair’s worldwide leading position as the most important fair platform in the business of casting technology and metallurgical engineering.

Berghütten has successfully participated in Thermprocess, too. The new stand location in hall 9 enabled us to reach even more people. We could draw the attention of potential customers to our services as producer of electric heating elements and as supplier of resistance wires by presenting our products in showcases, which the public had access to. Supported by the new fair concept, we informed our guests about our heating coil plugs, tubular heating elements, spiral heating coil plugs, and our high-temperature heating elements SiC and Moly-D. We also presented our extensive range of resistance wires, thermocouple wires, stranded wires, and spray wires.

We would like to thank all visitors for making our trade fair participation this year such a successful event and hope that we managed to address all questions and enquiries and display our products and services. A very special thank you to our staff, who made this event possible after all, for their commitment and their brilliant ideas on its organization and realization.

A few impressions of our trade fair presentation:

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