Berghütten GmbH Theodor-Heuss-Ring 38-42 D-63128 Dietzenbach Phone: +49 (60 74) 8 55 - 0

Assembled tubes

Ceramic pipes are indispensable components for industrial furnace manufacture in electric heating – but they’re also important for other uses and applications. Berghütten offers a wide selection of ceramic tubes in standard sizes available in stock. For special technical data, please refer to the following specifications.


Specifications of C 530, ceramic tube based on alumina (Al2O3), in line with DIN standard EN 60672-1.

Al2 O3 [%] 75 – 76 Aluminium oxide
Fe2 O3 [%] < 0,3 Iron(III)-oxide
Density [g/mm3] 2,55 (density)
Water absorption in [Vol. %] 9 (water absorption)
Maximum flexural strength [N/cm2] 50 (bending strength)
Maximum operational temperature [°C] 1260 (operation temperature)
Elastic modulus [GPa] 75 (module of elasticity)
Thermal expansion up to 1000°C * [10-6 / °C] 5,8 (thermal expansion)
Thermal shock resistance very good (thermal shock resistance)
Chemical resistance good (chemical resistance)
Ø Tube
110/95 1500
70/58 3000
60/48 3000
50/40 3000
50/38 3000
45/35 3000
40/30 3000
35/25 3000
32/22 3000
30/20 3000
25/18 1500
25/15 1500
25/15 2500
25/15 3000
23/13 1600
20/15 1000
20/12 1500
18/12 1600
15/10 1000
15/7 1600
10/6 1000

If you need more information in this area, we would be happy to talk to you about our products. Send us an email, use the contact form or call us on +49 (0) 6074 855-0.

We are happy to advise you on our products.

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